AT&T Dallas Discovery District – Dallas, TX

In collaborations with AT&T and WarnerMedia, our skilled team of developers worked with one of Microsoft’s newest technologies, the Custom Neural Voice AI, to bring Bugs Bunny to life in celebration of the character’s 80th Birthday. Using virtual layering, 5G, Edge Computing and a geographically anchored AR experience, the Brightline team created a shared experience in which customers could naturally engaging in conversation with an AI Bugs and then participate in a game of hot/cold to help him find the “Golden Carrot,” hidden somewhere in the AT&T store.

Additionally, Mobile devices geographically synchronized to the stores network, allowed other users to spatially interact with various other Looney Tunes characters positioned throughout the store. People can walk around, take photos, and play hot/cold with Bugs while onlookers joined in from being linked into the shared AR experience.

This experience has won various awards including an EventMarketer Best Use of AR award.

  • Microsoft AI Custom Neural Voice
  • Persistent AR content and immersive content engagement
  • Leverages cloud compute Capabilities (CloudXR)
  • Real world occlusion to overlay virtual assets
  • AR content accessible by any device

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39°00'50.1"N 77°28'49.1"W
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